Concrete CMS (formerly concrete5)... CVE-2021-22970

5.0 AV AC AU C I A
发布: 2021-11-19
修订: 2024-11-21

Concrete CMS (formerly concrete5) versions 8.5.6 and below and version 9.0.0 allow local IP importing causing the system to be vulnerable toa. SSRF attacks on the private LAN servers by reading files from the local LAN. An attacker can pivot in the private LAN and exploit local network appsandb. SSRF Mitigation Bypass through DNS RebindingConcrete CMS security team gave this a CVSS score of 3.5 AV:N/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:C/C:L/I:N/A:NConcrete CMS is maintaining Concrete version 8.5.x until 1 May 2022 for security fixes.This CVE is shared with HackerOne Reports and Adrian Tiron from FORTBRIDGE ( ) and Bipul Jaiswal
